Curating Italian Fashion Heritage, Industry, Institutions

Curating Italian Fashion: Heritage, Industry, Institutions

FAST –| second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies | Places and Spaces of Contemporary Architecture | Ines Tolic | Art...

Jack Kerouac & Miles Davis Writing & Music At Their Best

Jack Kerouac & Miles Davis: Writing & Music At Their Best

FAST –| second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies | Writing for Fashion in anglo-american culture | Mariella Lorusso Jack Kerouac...

Messages to Ourselves Creative Approach to Being Today

Messages to Ourselves: Creative Approach to Being Today

FAST –| second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies | Writing for Fashion in anglo-american culture | Mariella Lorusso Messages to...

Trend Forecasting and the Future of Fashion the Challenges of Sustainability

Trend Forecasting and the Future of Fashion: the Challenges of Sustainability

| FAST – Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies | English for Fashion | Mariella Lorusso | Fashion Company Organization...

F for Fashion There Is No Place for Fake

F for Fashion: There Is No Place for Fake

FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies | Film and Fashion | Roy Menarini |F for Fashion| 11°episode...

F is for Fake, F is for Fashion

F for Fashion: F is for Fake, F is for Fashion

CLAM – Laurea in Culture e pratiche della moda | Storia e idee della fotografia | Federica Muzzarelli |F for...

Somaesthetics and the Fits of Fashion Richard Shusterman

F for Fashion: Somaesthetics and the Fits of Fashion

FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies | Pop Culture Theory | Stefano Marino |F for Fashion| 9°episode...

F for Fashion: Parodia, moda e falso in Antonioni, Almodóvar, Carax e Winding Refn

CLAM – Laurea in Culture e pratiche della moda | Cinema e industria culturale | Roy Menarini    |F for...

ZONEMODA for SI FEST 2021 – 15 mar 2021 at 2 pm

ZONEMODA SPECIAL STUDIARE LA MODA OGGI A.A. 2020/2021 FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies | Design cultures...

F for Fashion: God Save the Fake

FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies | Spaces of Contemporary Architecture | Ines Tolic F for Fashion...

Pooky Lee. Fashion writer and curator. Fashion Curating in China

Pooky Lee. Fashion writer and curator. Fashion Curating in China

ZONEMODA SPECIAL STUDIARE LA MODA OGGI A.A. 2020/2021 FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies |Fashion Curation |...

Curating Fashion, Decolonisation and a Politics of Remembering

Curating Fashion, Decolonisation and a Politics of Remembering

ZONEMODA SPECIAL STUDIARE LA MODA OGGI A.A. 2020/2021 FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies |Fashion Curation |...

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