Università di Bologna / Campus di Rimini / Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali /Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita / ZoneModa
Corso di laurea in CULTURE E TECNICHE DELLA MODA www.moda.unibo.it
Corso di laurea magistrale in MODA www.magistralemoda.unibo.it
- Locandina
- Comunicato Stampa
Blog: http://spaziozonemoda.wordpress.com
Pagina Facebook: SpazioZoneModa
Gruppo Facebook: Writing For Fashion #02
Responsabile progetto Cecilia Cestari
- Poster
- Press Release
- First topic: CIRCUS
Practicing writing skills, investigating the fashion world, acquiring a keen critical sense: these are the objectives of Writing For Fashion # 02. This initiative, contained in the macro container SpazioZoneModa, gives out students the possibility to test themselves as young fashion journalist. Therefore Writing For Fashion # 02 is a space for participation, discussion and experimentation, all in the name of the authentic value of writing. Not just fashion, but also art, cinema, photography, architecture, television and new media, to create a small publishing reality at 360 degrees.
Download the attached poster to know how collaborate for the blog. To ask more information you can write your questions to zonemodawriting@gmail.com. Then visit the Facebook Group dedicated to the project to discover news and activities.
Blog: https://spaziozonemoda.wordpress.com
Facebook FanPage: SpazioZoneModa
Facebook Group: Writing For Fashion #02