Fashion in the Space of Aesthetics special lecture with Ossi Naukkarinen (Aalto University, Finland)

FAST | second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies
| Everyday Aesthetics | Gioia Laura Iannilli
Fashion in the Space of Aesthetics
special lecture with Ossi Naukkarinen (Aalto University, Finland)
Ossi Naukkarinen is Vice President for Research and Professor of Aesthetics at Aalto University, Finland. Before his current position, he worked as Vice Dean of Education (2012-2017) and Research (2017-2018) and prior to that as Head of Research at the School of Art, Design and Architecture of Aalto University. He has served in various roles in numerous organizations, including Finnish Society of Aesthetics, Universities Finland, Technology Academy Finland, and the International Institute of Applied Aesthetics. He has carried out research and published five monographs and dozens of articles in many languages on, for example, everyday and environmental aesthetics, the nature of aesthetics as an academic discipline as well as on new possibilities opened by digital approaches to aesthetics.
Wednesday, March 2nd 2022 – 9.00 – 11.00
room Alberti 13 – Piazzetta Teatini 13 – RIMINI
link to the lecture shorturl.at/gvwyV
* Participation in the online lesson is reserved for the Unibo university and student community. The Teams room can only be accessed if you have a Unibo account.
Credits: Photograph by Mikko Raskinen, Näytös19 Student Fashion Show, designer: Amina Saada