The Royal Silk Factory of San Leucio: From Textile to Fashion and Beyond
A.Y. 2023/2024
|FAST – Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies
|Fashion company organisation | Luca Fabbri
The Royal Silk Factory of San Leucio:
From Textile to Fashion and Beyond
Thursday, December 7th 2023
9.00 – 11.00
Room Alberti 13
Piazzetta Teatini, 13
Guest Lecture with
Arlene Leis
(Independent Art Historian and Researcher/ Visiting Fellow at the European University Institute)
Research for the San Leucio silk project was made possible with a Franklin grant from the American Philosophical Society
Photo: San Leucio loom, Arlene Leis
DAR www.dar.unibo.it – FAST https://corsi.unibo.it/2cycle/FashionStudies – CLAM www.moda.unibo.it
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