FAST – INTERGENERATIONAL AESTHETICS: Complexities, Challenges and the Case of Bosc de Tosca special lecture with Remei Capdevila Werning (Harvard University)
ZONEMODA ° A.A. 2022/2023 | Università di Bologna | Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies
Everyday Aesthetics – Gioia Laura Iannilli
INTERGENERATIONAL AESTHETICS: Complexities, Challenges and the Case of Bosc de Tosca
special lecture with
Remei Capdevila Werning (Harvard University)
Remei Capdevila Werning is Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University and Allston Burr Resident Dean of Winthrop House. She received her Ph.D. from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, and a SMArchS in History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She has taught at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and Oberlin College, and served as Director of Education and Public Programs at El Museo del Barrio in New York City. Her research focuses on intergenerational aesthetics, philosophical issues of preservation and geoheritage, and aesthetics of borderlands.
February 23, 2023
13:00-15:00 (1-3 PM)
room Briolini 1-2, Palazzo Briolini
Corso d‘Augusto 237
ONLINE shorturl.at/dhwJY
Photo credit: Remei Capdevila Werning
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