FAST – Fashion Writing: Fashion and Music – Fashion and politics Special lecture with Maura Vecchietti
ZONEMODA ° A.A. 2022/2023
| Università di Bologna | ° FAST – Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies
Writing for Fashion in Anglo-American Culture | Mariella Lorusso
Fashion Writing:
Fashion and Music – Fashion and politics
Special lecture with
Maura Vecchietti
Maura Vecchietti is an interpreter and translator, has worked with artists, fashion designers, stylists and translated many publications on art and fashion.
She lives and works in Bologna.
February 20, 2023
9 – 11 am
room Briolini 4, Palazzo Briolini
Corso d‘Augusto 237
Illustration of the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dress worn at the 2021 Met Gala. Image Credits: Samantha Hahn for Brother Vellies
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On the 20th of February a special lecture happened with Maura Vecchietti, an interpreter and translator, who has worked with artists, fashion designers, stylists and translated many publications on art and fashion. Vecchietti analyzed two journalistic articles, “Fashion and Maneskim” from The New York Times and “What counts as protest fashion” from The New Yoker.
Started with Vanessa Friedman, Fashion Director and Chief Fashion Critic at The New York Times. She wrote an interview about Maneskim using short and effective sentences to focus on scandalous details which speaks to the American audience’s preference for attention-grabbing headlines and soundbites. Friedman also incorporates historical and technical references into her article, which may require some familiarity with fashion and music to fully understand. However, she balances this with a visual impact by including images that complement the technical terms and add another layer of understanding to her analysis.
The Second analysis was Judith Thurman’s article about Alexandra Ocasio’s dress at the Met Gala, a great example of how fashion and politics intersect. Thurman’s analysis of Ocasio’s dress goes beyond its aesthetics and delves into the deeper cultural and political messages that it conveys. Her use of literature and cultural references, such as the ao dai from South Vietnam underscores the dress’s message of protest against the current economic and political system, she also touches on the gendered nature of fashion and how women, in particular, are often scrutinized for their clothing choices. By focusing on Ocasio’s dress and the reactions it garnered.
In conclusion, the analysis of these two articles highlights the diverse ways in which fashion can be used to express identity, make a statement, and intersect with other fields such as music and politics. Fashion writing, therefore, serves as a crucial medium for analyzing.
Written by Juliane Costanzi