Kamand Nikdel – FAST Zonemoda Team
Hi, I’m Kamand Nikdel, and I’m a fashion-obsessed photographer that lives for the thrill of the moment. Since leaving high school, I’ve been examining the world through the eyes of a photographer. My artistic outlet was photography and the creation of video clips. Let’s say that my first “real” employment was in the field of fashion photography; at some point, I came to see the ways in which the two fields, like those of any other art form, are intrinsically linked. My interest in learning more about the innovative techniques that are revolutionizing the fashion industry inspired me to decide to study for a Master of Fashion Studies program at Unibo. My goal is to unite form and function by integrating cutting-edge technological solutions into the design of fabrics and garment. I’m on the lookout for that sweet spot where form and function come together in perfect harmony.
I’m excited to collaborate with the talented people at ZoneModa and to expand my horizons by exploring new materials and fields.