Dissertation Workshop How to choose, plan and write your final project – 2023
A.Y. 2023/2024
|FAST – Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Studies
Dissertation Workshop
How to choose, plan and write your final project
Wednesday, December 13th 2023
15.00 – 17.00
room Briolini 1-2 – Palazzo Briolini
Corso d‘Augusto 237
This session is an invitation for second-year FAST students to start planning their dissertation.
We will consider some of the main phases and issues, from first idea to editing, from methodology to presentation.
The session has a practical approach, providing examples, brainstorming opportunities and a chance to ask questions.
The workshop will be conducted by Prof. Monica Sassatelli and Dott. Giovanni Mugnaini.
It is addressed to all second-year students, whether they have already started working on their final project or not.
DAR www.dar.unibo.it – FAST https://corsi.unibo.it/2cycle/FashionStudies – CLAM www.moda.unibo.it
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