MARCO SEMEGHINI MensweAr Strategies: From Gucci to Canali
Università di Bologna / Campus di Rimini / Scuola di Lettere e Beni Culturali / Dipartimento di Scienze per la qualità della Vita / ZoneModa Corso in Culture e Tecniche della Moda – www.moda.unibo.it Insegnamento: SISTEMI E PROCESSI DELLA PRODUZIONE DI MODA / prof.ssa S. Segre Reinach Second Cycle Degree in Fashion Culture and Management – www.fashionculturemanagement.unibo.it Insegnamento: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR THE FASHION SYSTEM / Prof.ssa M. Colucci ZoneModa spaziozonemoda.wordpress.com ZoneModa WebCell youtube.com/zonemodawebchannel ——————————————————————————————————— MARCO SEMEGHINI MensweAr Strategies: From Gucci to Canali RIMINI 31 marzo 2015 ore 10.00-13.00 Sede Universitaria Alberti Piazzetta Teatini, 13 Aula 13 RIMINI Alberti Campus, Room 3 March 31, 2015
- 10.00 – 13.00
Marco Semeghini is a marketing manager with a significant experience in the industry of fashion, and a focus on menswear. After graduating with a Masters in Business Administration at Bocconi University in Milan, he started his career in the retail compartment. Later on, he moved to the luxury industry, first at Gucci, subsequently at Tom Ford. The latest role is in Canali, the Italian menswear company specialized in sartorial garments, where he has had added to his previous skills the steps of design creative director and product development director.