Fashion trends: Research, Analysis and Future Prediction

Special Lecture with Anna Maroncelli

FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies

| English For Fashion | Mariella Lorusso

| Fashion Company Organization | Luca Fabbri


Special Lecture with Anna Maroncelli

December 12th 9.00-13.00
December 13th 9.00-11.00

Aula Alberti 14 – Piazzetta Teatini, 13
Università di Bologna – Campus di Rimini

Anna Maroncelli is a trend forecaster with more than 6-year experience as a trend analyst, fashion editor and content manager.

Having worked in Milan and Amsterdam for international magazines, brands and trend agencies, she has experience both in the fashion and design industry and has a background in fashion styling studies.

Anna now works in the industry as a freelance trend consultant in textile, colour, interior design, and as an editor.

