F for Fashion: Anti-fashion as the natural truth
FAST – Second cycle degree programme in Fashion Studies
| Everyday Aesthetics
| Giovanni Matteucci
F for Fashion a cura di Roy Menarini e Ines Tolic
6° episode – February 26, 2021 at 9.00 am on Teams
Anti-fashion as the natural truth
Nickolas Pappas
F for Fashion continues with the news from USA welcoming a contribute by Nickolas Pappas – The City College of New York. Nickolas Pappas will develop topics central to ‘F for Fashion’ by approaching fashion from a philosophical perspective and focusing on anti-fashion. According to Pappas, if fashion rests on the mechanism of social imitativeness, anti-fashion represents the contrary attempt to justify social presentation without reference to social forces. The prisoners in Plato’s allegorical cave think as fans of fashion do, asking only how things appear to their fellow prisoners. But what can appear one way or the other has less reality to begin with. Social presentation that rises above appearance presents the truth about a human; and by this reasoning ancient Greek athletic nudity, and black dress in other cultures, worked as a first anti-fashion. Today’s anti-fashion (jeans, black clothing, tattoos, the shaved head, the man’s suit) retains something of the old philosophical enterprise of finding a true or natural way of being in society.
The lecture will be introduced by Giovanni Matteucci and held within the course of Everyday Aesthetics, Master in Fashion Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna – Rimini Campus
Join us on TEAMS: shorturl.at/oxQTV
——–>>> podcasts of the first lessons held in 2020 will soon be available on the ZoneModa website!